Tuesday, September 09, 2008

ACHS Featured in AHHA's Good News Column

ACHS's announcement of achieving the first and only accredited and state approved online Associates and Masters degrees in Complementary Alternative Medicine was featured in the May 2008 issue of the American Holistic Health Association's (AHHA) newsletter.

Read about ACHS's achievement in the Good News column of AHHA's newsletter online here.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

ACHS Announces new English Composition Courses

New English Composition Courses at ACHS

ACHS is delighted to announce the launch of its new English Composition courses, with the first class starting November 17, 2008.

“Required for the ACHS Associate of Applied Science in Complementary Alternative Medicine degree program, English composition is also vital for anyone in the holistic health industry,” says Co-Education Director Erika Yigzaw. “Many graduates have enjoyed success authoring books, magazine articles, blogs, e-magazines, and newsletters. The English Composition classes will strengthen students’ skills for their career and provide vital life skills in English composition.”

The English Composition classes use ACHS’s dynamic online classroom format, with extensive interactive multimedia activities and peer to peer and instructor interaction. ACHS has worked with international publisher Pearson Education to develop the online content for these user-friendly yet content rich courses, and we are sure they will delight both new and existing ACHS students.

View more information about these accredited, fully online English Composition courses online:

ENG 101 English Composition I
ENG 201 English Composition II

ACHS is also delighted to welcome new faculty to ACHS to teach the English Composition classes, the first of which is Sarah Louise.

Sarah Louise holds an M.F.A. in Creative Writing, an LL.B., and 24 graduate hours toward a Ph.D. in English/Creative Writing. She also teaches online writing courses at DeVry University and Baker College and comments that “these online classes have been among the most enjoyable experiences of my career.” She has developed and taught courses in English Composition, Literature, Technical Writing, Writing the Research Paper, Developmental English courses, Business Writing, and Creative Writing at Northern New Mexico College as well as the University of New Mexico. She has also directed the writing lab at Northern New Mexico College, which provides computer-assisted learning, individualized tutorial aid, mentoring, and study groups.

Additional faculty appointments to meet the expected demand for these courses are pending and will be announced shortly.

Monday, September 01, 2008

ACHS Welcomes Herbalists Susan Belsinger & Tina Marie Wilcox's Creative Herbal Home Workshop to the ACHS Campus

The Creative Herbal Home Workshop featuring Susan Belsinger & Tina Marie Wilcox

Wednesday, September 10, 11 am to 3 pm.

So, you know about using essential oils for aromatherapy. Wouldn’t you like to learn many other ways to use herbs and essential oils in your everyday life? Then this fun and inspiring class is just what you need!

Join authors Susan Belsinger and Tina Marie Wilcox, authors of The Creative Herbal Home, while they discuss using herbs and essential oils to create “green” household cleaning products, insect repellents, care for the gardener, first aid preparations and how to make herbal spa products.

This workshop is divided into two parts:

  • The use of herbs in everyday life, where Susan and Tina will show you some of their favorite herbs and demo how to make a variety of products. Includes hands-on experience of making an herbal sugar scrub, preparing an herb-infused oil (featuring Herb of the Year Calendula) , and blending your own herbal bath bag.
  • Demo and lecture about using essential oils to create herbal spa products as well as how to use essential oils for household uses. You'll create your own blends for an aromatic spritzer, an apple cider vinegar for cleaning house or toning skin and also therapeutic bath salts.

This enthusiastic, entertaining and exciting workshop will give you confidence and know-how to lead a healthier, happier, and greener lifestyle! Recipes and handouts are included with the workshop. A book signing will follow the workshop and the Apothecary Shoppe will be open offering herbs, essential oils, equipment and supplies that we used in class.

Don't miss the opportunity to learn in-person with Susan Belsinger & Tina Marie Wilcox.

Class cost: $50, includes supplies. Space is limited. Be sure to register by calling 503-244-0726 or register securely online here to reserve your place today!

Note: This is a non-credit workshop.
